25th October 2017
- Ask businesses to provide summer employment for teachers— perhaps only 3-4 weeks — but an experience that provides first-hand experience about what the working environment outside the school demands.
- Invite business partners to establish practical projects which provide students with the opportunity to apply the knowledge they gain at school.
- Work with business leaders to provide resources that will move the business expertise and skills into the classroom. Move beyond the traditional ways businesses have offered help in the past.
- Develop a plan for taking the school to the community, rather than always expecting the community to come to the school.
- Ask local civic or service groups such as Rotary, Lions and Round Table to invite teachers, school leaders or members of the school governing body/PTA to speak to them. Share successes and concerns that need community attention.
- Develop a ‘speakers’ bureau’ with a database of alumni, parents, business leaders and local service groups to provide dynamic speakers to talk to students about the realities of the workplace; what they look for in interviews, job opportunities and educational requirements.
- Develop a PR program to inform the community about innovative and successful school programmes or awards. Ask local businesses to assist.
- Invite the community to school events (student art shows, plays, debates, competitions between schools such as spelling bees). Consider holding such events in community facilities.
- Ask business partners to allow use of empty store front windows for displays about school projects and successes.