You are probably able to read this because you are an educated person who attended a good school.
But in 2018 millions of young men and women with great dreams of a prosperous life will have their dreams dashed through no fault of their own.
They will fail because they attended failing primary and high schools.
In many disadvantaged communities only 1 – 3 young people who began school in 2005 will obtain a university or technical university matriculation high school graduation pass.
The rest of the class of 2005 are condemned to a life in poverty, anger and frustration at a world which has let them down.
Lack of a matric pass is a very real concrete ceiling. The door to apprenticeships, skilled jobs and tertiary education is blocked.
But it does not have to be like this. You can play a role in rewriting their futures
When the Billion Child Foundation trains principals to reinvent their schools to become centres of excellence they achieve amazing results.
- In 2016 100% of students passed matric at 27% of the schools at which BCF had trained their principals to reinvent their schools to become centres of excellence.
- Between 90% and 99% of students passed at 47% of these schools
- 78% of students who graduated from high schools in 2016 gained a university or technical university entrance pass.